There's a funny story about this story...
It was originally made as an entry for a short horror story contest, hosted on a discord server owned by Gildedguy, an awesome animator who you should totally check out. Anyways, after beginning the story sometime in early October, my hopes weren't too high of winning. But I had fun doing it anyway, and I submitted it late that month.
After an interesting Halloween night, I woke the next morning to see that I'd won! I was obviously ecstatic, but I wasn't nearly as happy as I would be a few days from then.
The prize for winning the contest, which I had forgotten about at the time, was to get the short story narrated by a professional voice actor. That person, who you can hear by listening to the audio on the previous page, is Wolvenreign. Please, please, please check him out- his voice is awesome.
Upon hearing my story, now fully narrated, I was unbelievably happy. Not only because I had won a contest and had gotten a cool prize, but that my writing felt truly real then.
Well, that's it for my tangent. Hope you enjoy the story! :)