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(If you want to skip all the fluff and just get to the social media links, click here)

I'm Vachel Thevenot. First, thank you for coming to my website! I have always aspired to have some sort of online thing like this, and now it's finally a reality! Every time I see that someone read my stuff or came to my website, I never fail to get a surge of pride and happiness. But enough about that. You came here to learn about me and why you're here. 


You see, I love writing. A lot, actually. I love telling stories and getting to put that creative part of my mind onto paper, or a screen, or whatever it happens to be on. I love other things too, like the void of space and flamingos, but writing is up there for me. 


I started my writing journey not long after my 15th birthday. Being honest, then, I never expected nor planned to be a writer. In fact, if I knew then that I would end up doing a lot of writing, I would probably be thinking, "That must be boring." Thankfully, it ended up not being boring. 


Anyways, I started my hobby of writing by simply just having a good story in my head and writing it down. At that point in time, I was less writing, and more just "explaining." But after a while, my "explaining" got a whole lot more interesting to read, and eventually it evolved into my own writing style that I still love and am happy with today. I kept working on my story until it became quite long, and sometime in the middle of it, I realized that I was enjoying it a lot. And also that I wasn't bad at it anymore. 


So, with newfound confidence, I kept writing it more and more, and finally, in March of 2020, I finished the story I had started during September. And I called it Legends of Tess: Wild World. Obviously my journey wasn't done yet, it still had a lot of editing to go through, but dang was I happy. It was an accomplishment that I had never done before, and one of my biggest at that. 


Continuing my stride, I started doing my own short stories. These proved to be just as fun, and helped as practice for me. At the end of it all, I was now much better at writing, and was finally able to call myself at least an amateur writer. Not to mention, now I was happier than I'd been in a while. And that finally brings us to today. 

Your stuff is boring, what kind of things are you doing in the future?

Yeah, I know. My work isn't the best right now. But, that's the reason why I'm here. I want to make my work public not only to finally show it to others but so I can improve, too. I love challenging my work and trying to make it as good as possible. So, one thing you can definitely expect in the future is that I'll get better at what I do. 


Not only do I plan on getting better at writing, but I plan on writing a lot more. I'll be making a whole bunch of stuff all the time, and keeping those of you who are interested up to date all the while. At the time of writing this right now, I have another book in progress, taking place in Zysti galaxy like my last book did. If Legends of Tess: Wild World isn't your cup of tea, hopefully that will be. 


Along with writing and storytelling, I am teaching myself animation. I know, it seems random. But if I can both animate and tell a good story, I can make some pretty cool stuff in the future. Of course, I'll be updating the website, too. Overall, I have high hopes for the future. 

What if I want to yell at you online? I can't do that through a website. 

I would love to be yelled at. Well, being yelled at isn't my favorite thing to have happen to me online, but honestly, I would love any kind of attention for the work that I do. In fact, just you reading this is pretty awesome to me. But, yes, I am completely and totally open for any kind of criticism, whether its related to my website, book, etc. I can take it. I want to improve my skills as much as possible, and criticism is part of that. 


If you do in fact enjoy my work enough not to yell at me, then I would be even happier. If you want to yell at me or not, that's just fine. But please do either one. 


And to make sure its easy to yell at me, here are links to all my things below. 


First, I have a subreddit on dedicated to Legends of Tess and the other stories I will make. In the subreddit, you can interact with the beings of Tess, through a new piece of technology I have discovered. More details about it will be found there. 

And finally, the rest of my links. Respectively, you will find my Twitter, Amazon, Discord server, and Gmail. All this stuff is also at the bottom of every other page, but still. These icons are bigger and easier to click on. I greatly hope to hear from you.

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Or, if you want my email in text form, its

Please don't be afraid to contact me. No matter what reason it is, I would absolutely love to hear from you. Whether it's criticism, suggestions, or for some reason, a compliment, hearing it would make my day. Vachel out. 

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PLEASE don't use my stuff without my permission! I will be very flattered, but still! Please do not! If you would like to use my work, contact me first.

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