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Fun Stuff!

I plan on adding a lot more to this section in the future, so stay tuned!

The Illuminati Trials

The Illuminati Trials is an ARG, currently still open. Some quick info: 


This version of the Illuminati Trials keeps the same name as the first one, that being a fun little game a friend and I did with our neighbors (to be exact, it was my friend who started the idea). It was a series of puzzles, both online and in real life, where anyone who chose to participate would race to get a prize (at first, this was an aluminum foil hat with the word "winner" written on it in black sharpie). But this time, it's going to be a lot larger. And despite having the name of a meme from 2013, this series of puzzles will be no joke. Here is the first clue: 


If you have any questions, email me at or visit the Discord server. 


Smileyman's Adventure


Oookayyyyy... So this isn't really the quality kind of thing that I usually take pride in presenting here on the website, but there's something cool about this dumb little game a friend and I made ~5 years ago. 


As you can probably tell from the screenshot, this game is, well, bad. It was coded on a very unprofessional coding platform, that being Scratch, and it was very basic, buggy, and without anything too special about it overall. But, recently, this game has gotten a "revival," that being in speedrunning (if you don't know what that is, click here). It started as a dumb joke, but once a few of my friends tried it out, it became surprisingly fun to attempt beating the game as fast as humanly possible. And that became even more fun once we began to discover a few glitches (more on that later). If you would like to play the game and/or speedrun it, you can find it here: 


The current records are here: 

Any% Records

Full Run: 45.077


**Hammer Get: 5.803

Enter Alley: 12.045

Boss Begin: 14.223

Boss at 10: 29.205

*100% Records

Full Run: 66.943


**Hammer Get: 7.781

Enter Alley: 20.124

Boss Begin: 23.041

Boss at 10: 45.436

*An 100% record entails killing every enemy in every stage, and getting the 1 up. 


**This is only counted for the runs that don't use the hammer skip and instead getting it legit. 

The Stages

Smileyman's adventure consists of a total of 6 stages the player must maneuver through to beat the game. This will go over each stage and what is intended to be done to pass it. 

Stage 1: Start

In the starting stage, you can go in one of two directions: up and right. To progress, you need to go up. A single enemy in the top right corner will move towards you slowly, attempting to touch you and reset you to your starting position. 

Stage 3: Hammer

Stage 3 only consists of a hammer in the top-middle of the stage. Collecting it gives you a hammer item, where, upon pressing space, swings a hammer all the way around the player. This can be used to kill the enemies. 

Stage 5: Alley

Stage 5 consists of a long alley of walls, and a turret firing down the middle of it. To pass it, the player should hide in the crevasses in the walls while they wait for the laser to pass and move further up. 

Stage 2: Maze

After following the up arrow in the Start stage, you enter stage 2. Here there are more walls in a maze-like pattern, an enemy, a 1-up, and two turrets. The turrets fire a slow-moving laser once every 2 seconds, and the 1-up gives you an extra life. Collecting the 1-up is optional, but traversing up the maze and dodging the laser is necessary to progress. Once you make it to the top, you enter stage 3. 

Stage 4: Gate

After returning to stages 2 and 1, and going to the right, you enter a stage with an enemy and a large black gate on the top with an enemy depicted on it. By killing the enemy in this room, the gate is removed and the player is allowed into stage 5. 

Stage 6: Boss

Stage 6 is the final stage, where there is only a boss enemy that will shoot smaller enemies at the player every 2 seconds. To win the game, the boss must be hit with the hammer 20 times. 

The Glitches

In order to make speedrunning the game easier, many different glitches have been discovered in the game's code. This will go over each glitch, how to perform it, and how it works. This list will be updated as more glitches are discovered. 

Hammer Clip

When pressing the spacebar and swinging the hammer, the player has a few moments of invincibility. This can be used to tank laser shots head on, clip through boss projectiles, and so on. 


How to execute: 


- Move towards the object without stopping. 

- Right before hitting a harmful object (this will not work on slow-moving objects like enemies and the boss, only projectiles) press the spacebar. The player will take no damage if timed right, and the object will continue on behind them. 

- This cannot be spammed for endless invincibility. There is a small period between hammer swings that is unskippable where the player is susceptible to being damaged. 


How it works: 


This one is a bit tricky to unravel. But my best guess is that, while the player is going through the frames of swinging the hammer, a "wait __ seconds" command interrupts the code that lets the player take damage by prioritizing the "wait __ seconds" over the damage code. 

Hammer Skip

Though this glitch is similarly named to the above one, this glitch is very different. This glitch allows the player to skip the process of collecting the hammer, saving precious time. 


How to execute: 


- Once at stage 3 (where the hammer is), travel back down into stage 2 and 1 as normal.

- Once in stage 1 (the starting stage), move the player to the spot just above the upside-down L like structure. The player will receive the hammer and can resume the game as usual. 


How it works: 


The code that determines whether or not the hammer should appear on-screen can essentially be tricked. It appears to only be collectible in stage 3, but that is not true. When the player moves to stage 3, the code that tells the hammer to essentially "exist" activates. From then on, it is always on screen, even when it's invisible, and it will always be collectible in the place it was in stage 3. This is place is just above the center of the screen.

The hammer being invisible and the hammer being collectible are separate. The reason why the player can't collect the hammer before at least being in stage 3 is that the code that tells it to be collectible only activates once the player has reached stage 3.

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